IoT for a sustainable world

Micro Technic wants to take responsibility with our customers on solving global challenges and making the future better and the world more sustainable.

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Our sustainable approach

Knowledge can make companies and people act differently. Only when knowledge is available is it possible to act. Changes are created based on knowledge, for the benefit of resources and people.

Our approach to sustainability is centered around developing smarter and innovative IoT solutions for a sustainable world. We want to help our customers by collecting data giving them the knowledge and power to make more sustainable choices.

7. Affordable and clean energy

We work with Sustainable Development Goal 7 by developing IoT solutions that focus on modern energy. The aim of this target is to increase the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix. Our contribution to this target is our focus on developing our low-power Skylark IoT dataloggers that runs on a combination of solar energy and battery power and therefore can be employed in places without traditional power supply

With the sustainable approach to green efficiency IoT it allows our IoT solutions to be found in both urban areas and mountainsides monitoring changes in the environment. As a result, our Skylark IoT dataloggers can help warn and avert the disastrous consequences of undiscovered natural disasters.

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure

We work with Sustainable Development Goal 9 by developing solutions that especially focus on target 9.4. The aim of this target is to upgrade infrastructure and retrofit industries to make them sustainable with increased resource-use efficiency and greater adoption of clean and environmentally sound technology and industrial processes.

We contribute to this target by supplying IoT solutions that easily can be retrofitted to exciting machinery as an add-on solution. Our IoT solutions among other things help manufacturing companies with effectively extending the lifespan of their production machinery by using smart and knowledge-based maintenance.

12. Responsible consumption and production

We work with Sustainable Development Goal 12 by developing IoT solutions that gives companies the power to act sustainable. The aims are to achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources, and to encourage companies to adopt sustainable practices and integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle.

We contribute to these targets by supplying IoT solutions that enable companies to develop sustainable practices. The insight from our Skylark IoT dataloggers provides companies with valuable knowledge about production processes and identifies how to increase productivity, reduce power consumption and optimize the use of resources.

Curious to know more?Read about our IoT solutions here

IoT Solutions
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